Comments for Sat, 27 Jul 2024 06:49:39 +0000 Comment on Did the WashPost Miss Explosive Story? by Non-Nuclear Test Will Simulate Nuclear Weapon Strike » FAS Strategic Security Blog Fri, 05 Nov 2010 18:32:48 +0000 [...] A few, including Albuquerque Journal and, have speculated that Divine Strake was a nuclear-related event, but DTRA has up till now declined to confirm or deny the nuclear connection. [...] […] A few, including Albuquerque Journal and, have speculated that Divine Strake was a nuclear-related event, but DTRA has up till now declined to confirm or deny the nuclear connection. […]

Comment on Trampling the Opinions of Humankind by Alistair Thu, 14 Dec 2006 13:05:38 +0000 Right on Cecile. I surfed here via a link in, which was contained in a brilliant booklet written by a local (Queensland, Australia) researcher: "Your Future with Depleted Uranium" by Pauline Rigby ...see Right now Australia has the nuclear debate on top of the public agenda,as a response to climate crisis and a Federal election next year.. The Australian Uranium Mining and Nuclear Energy Review, commissioned by the Howrd Government recently, headed up by an American corporate head-banger called Ziggy, fresh from CEO-ing the privitisation of Telstra ustralia ...has just reported that we could have 50 nuclear reactors by 2050. Australians are cautious, selling uranium to india and China is one thing, but...who is putting up their hand to have the first nuke thermal-electric station in their backyard? Australia is experiencing the greatest drought since European colonisation - Al Gore's roadshow and movie has made a huge impact... the Australian Labour party has (Dec 06) dumped its middle-of-the-road leader Beazley, and elected a dynamic progressive duo : Leader is now Kevin Rudd (a Progressive Christian/Anglican , intellectual, foreign policy wonk) and a single career politician, deputy leader Julia Gillard. Peter Garrett, former lawyer and leader of the anti-nuke rock group Midnight Oil, who Rudd has appointed Shadow Environment Minister,could be - I hope - in Government this time next year, after October General Elections. The Times are A'Changing. Keep up the inspiring work to wind down this nuclear age, you guys in the Land of the Free. Right on Cecile. I surfed here via a link in, which was contained in a brilliant booklet written by a local (Queensland, Australia) researcher: “Your Future with Depleted Uranium” by Pauline Rigby …see

Right now Australia has the nuclear debate on top of the public agenda,as a response to climate crisis and a Federal election next year.. The Australian Uranium Mining and Nuclear Energy Review, commissioned by the Howrd Government recently, headed up by an American corporate head-banger called Ziggy, fresh from CEO-ing the privitisation of Telstra ustralia …has just reported that we could have 50 nuclear reactors by 2050. Australians are cautious, selling uranium to india and China is one thing, but…who is putting up their hand to have the first nuke thermal-electric station in their backyard?

Australia is experiencing the greatest drought since European colonisation - Al Gore’s roadshow and movie has made a huge impact… the Australian Labour party has (Dec 06) dumped its middle-of-the-road leader Beazley, and elected a dynamic progressive duo : Leader is now Kevin Rudd (a Progressive Christian/Anglican , intellectual, foreign policy wonk) and a single career politician, deputy leader Julia Gillard.
Peter Garrett, former lawyer and leader of the anti-nuke rock group Midnight Oil, who Rudd has appointed Shadow Environment Minister,could be - I hope - in Government this time next year, after October General Elections. The Times are A’Changing. Keep up the inspiring work to wind down this nuclear age, you guys in the Land of the Free.

Comment on French Missile Test: Sauce for the Goose, not the Gander by sam Tue, 12 Dec 2006 19:45:12 +0000 french misaile test is very harmful because it is iresponsible country like charlse-d-gole goverment and iraq osiraq atomic reactar issue etc.. french misaile test is very harmful because it is iresponsible country like charlse-d-gole goverment and iraq osiraq atomic reactar issue etc..

Comment on Trampling the Opinions of Humankind by Cecile Meyer Tue, 12 Dec 2006 19:34:03 +0000 Local activists have a huge job to educate ourselves and our communities on the dangers of nuclear and other arms proliferation and to mobilize opposition to the negative role played by our Ambassador to the UN. With Bolton gone, there may be an opening for insisting on a more positive U.S. role at the UN. Local activists have a huge job to educate ourselves and our communities on the dangers of nuclear and other arms proliferation and to mobilize opposition to the negative role played by our Ambassador to the UN. With Bolton gone, there may be an opening for insisting on a more positive U.S. role at the UN.

Comment on Did the WashPost Miss Explosive Story? by David Tue, 12 Dec 2006 17:52:39 +0000 Did not know this: "Divine Strake is part of a particular weapons effects testing program that in turn is part of far broader nuclear and non-nuclear weapons effects testing efforts." This is great information. Did not know this:
“Divine Strake is part of a particular weapons effects testing program that in turn is part of far broader nuclear and non-nuclear weapons effects testing efforts.”
This is great information.

Comment on Students shut down UC nuclear labs meeting by Will Parish Fri, 08 Dec 2006 14:22:52 +0000 Thanks for the kind words, John! And thanks, Michael, for posting this. We’ll continue doing our best to create a stir. Thanks for the kind words, John! And thanks, Michael, for posting this.

We’ll continue doing our best to create a stir.

Comment on Students shut down UC nuclear labs meeting by John Burroughs Sat, 02 Dec 2006 17:37:43 +0000 Kofi Annan closed his November 28 Princeton speech with this: "Let me conclude by appealing to young people everywhere, since there are -– I am glad to see –- so many of them here today. My dear young friends, you are already admirably engaged in the struggle for global development, for human rights and to protect the environment. Please bring your energy and imagination to this debate. Help us to seize control of the rogue aircraft on which humanity has embarked, and bring it to a safe landing before it is too late." I would say that the students in the Coalition to Demilitarize UC already got the message!! Kofi Annan closed his November 28 Princeton speech with this:

“Let me conclude by appealing to young people everywhere, since there are -– I am glad to see –- so many of them here today.

My dear young friends, you are already admirably engaged in the struggle for global development, for human rights and to protect the environment. Please bring your energy and imagination to this debate. Help us to seize control of the rogue aircraft on which humanity has embarked, and bring it to a safe landing before it is too late.”

I would say that the students in the Coalition to Demilitarize UC already got the message!!

Comment on Pentagon Envisions New Warheads for New Delivery Systems by » Kofi Annan: End “Mutually Assured Paralysis” Sat, 02 Dec 2006 11:54:36 +0000 [...] It is absolutely correct that stopping proliferation and beyond that progress on elimination of nuclear arsenals will require paying very serious attention to delivery systems. That is something we, especially Andrew Lichterman, have been saying on this blog and elsewhere, but since the high water mark of disarmament discussions in the mid-1990s, it has basically receded from view. So Annan is to be congratulated for helping to bring it back into view. [...] […] It is absolutely correct that stopping proliferation and beyond that progress on elimination of nuclear arsenals will require paying very serious attention to delivery systems. That is something we, especially Andrew Lichterman, have been saying on this blog and elsewhere, but since the high water mark of disarmament discussions in the mid-1990s, it has basically receded from view. So Annan is to be congratulated for helping to bring it back into view. […]

Comment on French Missile Test: Sauce for the Goose, not the Gander by ACDN Fri, 10 Nov 2006 18:03:42 +0000 Your comment is quite right. We put it on our Website: You can find there more information on the mobilization of French activists against this M51 missile, which is planned to modernising the French nuclear submarines after 2010. Here on this coast of the Atlantic Ocean, we would enjoy hearing more on the US disaster at Forward Base Falcon in Baghdad on 10th October 2006. Your comment is quite right. We put it on our Website: You can find there more information on the mobilization of French activists against this M51 missile, which is planned to modernising the French nuclear submarines after 2010.

Here on this coast of the Atlantic Ocean, we would enjoy hearing more on the US disaster at Forward Base Falcon in Baghdad on 10th October 2006.

Comment on U.S nuclear missile test: do as we say, not as we do by » French Missile Test: Sauce for the Goose, not the Gander Fri, 10 Nov 2006 15:55:47 +0000 [...] Don’t hold your breath waiting for a Security Council resolution condemning the test as jeopardizing international peace and security. That was the Council’s response to the June missile test by North Korea. But as Michael Spies blogged here regarding a subsequent U.S. missile test, the United States, France, and other permanent members of the Council apply different standards (if any) to themselves. Leave a Comment [...] […] Don’t hold your breath waiting for a Security Council resolution condemning the test as jeopardizing international peace and security. That was the Council’s response to the June missile test by North Korea. But as Michael Spies blogged here regarding a subsequent U.S. missile test, the United States, France, and other permanent members of the Council apply different standards (if any) to themselves. Leave a Comment […]
