Marines refuse to enlist Grandmothers Against the War
Andrew Lichterman
Grandmothers Against the War came to the multi-service Armed Forces Recruiting Center in suburban Pleasant Hill, California, yesterday, symbolically offering to enlist to prevent the waste of young lives in U.S. wars. The Army and the Navy locked their doors, but the Marines stayed open. Grandmothers and their supporters filed in; the Marines distributed literature with enlistment requirements and informed them that they would not need their service at this time. Four people who refused to leave the recruiting office were cited for trespassing by Pleasant Hill police and released at the scene.
August 1st, 2006 at 4:07 am
Shame, shame, shame on you. Are you the same people who go to the funerals of Marines and protest? You are horrible.
The Lord says to pray for your enemies. Since apparently the government is your enemy, you should pray for us.
August 2nd, 2006 at 4:50 pm
Shame on YOU, Lieutenant Puller, and on all your military cronies, and on President Bush, and on all members of Congress who refuse to get our young people out of this Iraqi “Vietnam II”!! I don’t go to funerals of Marines and protest, but I protest just the same, every way possible. The time to end this senseless war, which is sending our young men and women home in BOXES!, is NOW! Nothing is being accomplised in Iraq except death: death of U.S. military personnel, death of Iraqi soldiers, and worst of all, death of Iraqi civilians, including children. Not to mention Afghanistan, which gets little press anymore, but you’re still there, killing. *YOUR* lord may say to pray for your enemies, mine says not to kill other human beings. And yes, at this point, most of the U.S. government IS my enemy, until they see the light and end this shameful segment of U.S. history, this Iraqi “war”. It is all a political ploy on the part of President Bush to keep it going until the next election is over, so that someone else can make the decision, and he thinks he will get the “glory” for it. SHAME ON THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, SHAME ON YOU, SHAME ON PRESIDENT BUSH, SHAME ON ALL MILITARY WHO SUPPORT THIS “WAR”, SHAME ON ALL CONGRESSPERSONS WHO STILL SUPPORT IT, SHAME SHAME SHAME ON ALL OF YOU! WHERE ARE YOUR ETHICS AND COMPASSIONATE FEELINGS FOR ALL HUMAN BEINGS ON THIS PLANET? Oh, I forgot, Lt. Puller, you have a cushy desk job and don’t have to worry about going anywhere near the fighting or taking any chance of dying. That is what you are doing with our young men and women!
Dr. Cheryl Schimenti, California
August 2nd, 2006 at 8:43 pm
all right cheryl!!!!!!!!!!! hurray!!!!!!
PEACE ON EARTH!!!!!!! Lt. whatever-your-name-is, you stand behind those who kill for money and still have the guts to mention the LORD with your shameless voice and soul?
You are selling your soul to your half-paid-for house and your leased SUV… but good for you, your life must be so empty, I guess it feels good to have your kids at home safe and sound, and not getting fired at in a war? Have you felt the heat of a bomb against your skin? If you haven’t SHAME ON YOU… and if you have, even worse SHAME SHAME SHAME ON YOU EVEN MORE! Think with your heart not with what the mass media tells you!
August 7th, 2006 at 8:42 am
At the International Raging Grannies Un-convention in June of 2006, US and Canadian Gaggles voted to have a day of protest on or about Nov. 11, 1006 at military recruitment centres in all of our our cities. Needless to say,the struggle is ongoing to dry up the pipeline of young lives being wasted in the middle east. Marilyn Gaa, Raging Grannies, Edmonton