Pentagon Envisions New Warheads for New Delivery Systems
Andrew Lichterman
A Department of Defense chart outlining the future of the nuclear stockpile, discovered by the Federation of American Scientists, forecasts that the U.S. will “develop warheads for next-generation delivery systems” between 2010 and 2020. Titled “Stockpile Transformation,” the chart also has a “long term vision” that includes “possible new DoD platforms and delivery systems.” In addition, the “long-term vision” includes “2-4 types of RRW’s” (reliable replacement warheads), while most media coverage to date has suggested that there will be only be two RRW designs, one to be developed by each of the nuclear warhead design labs at Los Alamos, New Mexico and Livermore, California.
The reference to possible additional RRW designs likely will draw the most attention, because warhead programs have been the main focus of what anti-nuclear weapons activism there has been in recent years. This chart, however, provides more evidence that new strategic delivery systems are in the offing, and that the requirements of those new delivery systems, if they go forward, will play a significant role in driving nuclear warhead design work in the years to come. I have written previously here and elsewhere on proposed new strategic delivery systems, which may range from new long range bombers and intercontinental ballistic missiles to reuseable launch vehicles, and their implications for nuclear weapons development (see, e.g., The Global Free Fire Zone: “Prompt Global Strike” and the Next Generation of U.S. Strategic Weapons; and U.S. strategic weapons programs: too many to talk about)
The time to stop the next cycle of the global missile and nuclear arms race is now. And it is long past time for the “arms control and disarmament” communities to develop an even-handed approach that demands a halt to the continuing development not only of nuclear warheads but of all long-range missiles and other long-range delivery systems, not just those of countries that the United States considers its enemies.
August 27th, 2006 at 7:34 am
The Articles of Genetic Disclosure, Discovery and Appeal(s) Descriptive Encode in “Star Based” Internal Command the DESBIC AGENDA; The Official Text Epilogue are as Follows:
1 The United Nation’s International Organization and all Party to an State of nuclear energy utility services come to be known as the “Nuclear Powers”, referred forasmuch and hereinafter as the Party(s’);
2 Reaffirming their obligations under the Treaty(s’) between the Party’s’ “Descriptive Encode in “Star Based” Internal Command”; the Articles of Genetic Disclosure, Discovery and Appeal(s), referred to herein as: START III OR DESBIC AGENDA;
3 Stressing their firm commitment to the Treaty’s’ for the delimitation of nuclear and biological weapon’s grade ordnance within a State, and statements there though nuclear energy policy remains as it’s supreme interest perspective of NPT, START, II before and beyond;
4 Decisive in their purpose for strengthening the Will, needs, and the related subject matter of offensive and defensive fine lines and divisions in security related protocol as its exercise conferred here in the unity of the foregoing principles for recourse and realization thereupon;
5 Taking in to account commitments to universal Laws inasmuch suchly hereas: thou shall be done whoso do unto others may follow; moreover to seek this faith that we have to notices in stilled without a sense of said Providential acknowledgement;
6 Having question a people who exercise wreckless abandonment from the past nuclear energy utilities dependencies; grievous in content, slanderous indeed, to undertake and fulfill in good faith their obligations forasmuch seek to be bonded by the new age of star based apertures;
7 Urges an U N Security Council to sustain interests of Charter here within collective and continuous settlement in the fields there have so to recognize a standard regulatory commission-ment and licensing re-assignment; and retention of various stationary sentry units as to safeguard the decommission and disassembly operations to the call for actions as so required by a Secretary General’s U N herein after afar;
8 Also urges the Principals therefrom address, advise and call attention to the dangers and catastrophic element of the sudden outbreak of war and / or a missile attack(s) in a theater of highly valued see fit to say easy action target able said nuclear utility complexes. Imprescriptive to the degenerate, isotopic, and contemporaneous disarmament question foretold, suchly air strikes indeed may become a Silo’s opponency notwithstanding;
9 Mindful of the note to need, and the need to note; that unless nuclear reactor utilities assimilation, indecisive of a firm realization, cease to exist, they’ll be no sure way to protect the mass. The principal objectives in formulations hypothesized for the benefit of all who come to breathe oxygen and drink water is take adequate measures on the exercise in disbandment of nuclear utility complexities and complexes E. Pluribus Unum;
10 Welcomes agreed upon honest and equitable procedures and dates to a side of a truer meaning of the word and weigh stations of lifes questions , survival of the Homo Sapiens embryological creation;
11 Bearing in mind the fruit of our wisdom, the security needs to promote regional and International peace particularly in the provisional fields of technical application include numerous sentry outpost activation recall unity monitoring and deployment areas and facilities where said alleged fissionable materials are housed and stored therefrom Sirs;
12 Appeals to all States relative in theories expressed as such to negate the said existing policy’s, to include the undertaking therefrom the agreed upon limitations, and annull the projected escalations on existing and future projected nuclear energy utility complex construction for forensic sidesmenship when all come to recognize a nuclear reactor as a potential detargetable fixture to the flight of a guided missile impetus heresay I follow;
13 Welcoming the progress achieved in recent years in both nuclear and conventional disarmament, and noting that despite recent progress in the field of nuclear disarmament, further efforts are necessary towards the achievement of general and complete disarmament under effective international control;
14 Convinced that nuclear energy decomissionment and the complete elimination of nuclear weapons are essential to remove the danger of nuclear war. There side it never again and are to abide strictly by the relevant provisions of the Charter of the United Nations on the reserve-use of force or threat of force, taking note of Security Council resolution 984(1995) of 11 April 1995 and the views expressed on it;
December 2nd, 2006 at 3:54 am
[…] It is absolutely correct that stopping proliferation and beyond that progress on elimination of nuclear arsenals will require paying very serious attention to delivery systems. That is something we, especially Andrew Lichterman, have been saying on this blog and elsewhere, but since the high water mark of disarmament discussions in the mid-1990s, it has basically receded from view. So Annan is to be congratulated for helping to bring it back into view. […]